The X axis, tdischarge,  shows that longer tdischarge, is the equivalent of lower frequencies, and shorter tdischarge, is equivalent to higher frequencies, e.g., 10mSEC is 100 Hz and 100 uSEC is 10 khz..  Please note that lower frequencies are more distorted than higher frequencies. The errors are due to storage and release of energy; the lower frequencies store energy longer and release it later than higher frequencies. We hear this storage and release phenomenon as smearing when listening to music.

Please also note that TEFLON, although it has lower values of distortion than all the other dielectrics in this graph, has much greater differential delay than POLYPROPYLENE(SAMPLE A) over most of the audio band.  In other words, TEFLON has more smearing then POLYPROPYLENE(SAMPLE A). We have heard this smearing  effect in TEFLON and  therefore avoid using it in our products. We have also heard  the benefits of POLYPROPYLENE and use it sparingly when we need it.

We are often asked why we focus so much design effort on minimizing dielectric effects, so we thought this graph, reprinted from EDN magazine,  wuld be helpful.  


"...nothing gets you closer to the music."

Omega Mikro